Attorney-At-Law Oleg Ikhelson, Esq., CPABar Admissions: NY, NJ, US Tax CourtOther licenses: CPA, NJ | | WELCOME TO THE WEBSITE OF NEW JERSEY STATE TAX LAWYERNew Jersey Corporate & Tax Law Firm of OLEG IKHELSON, ESQ., CPA provides a wide spectrum of Tax preparation and Tax planning services for individuals, corporations, business partners, estates and LLCs; solves IRS problems; offers consulting services for businesses and corporations; helps foreign companies with a smooth and affordable entry into the United States.The tax and estate law is arguably one of the most complicated and challenging fields of legal practice in the United States. A typical taxpayer is subject to a complex array of Federal, State and Local taxes. These vertical structures, in turn, are divided into excise, income and estate tax categories. Understanding how to comply with thousands of these statutory requirements, often contradictory to each other, requires a tremendous expenditure of time and patience. It is equality important, however, to know one's rights when it comes to enforcement of the tax laws. | | Tax Controversy Services Tax Audit Tax Preparation Individual Tax Planning Estate Planning IRS problems Offer in Compromise Tax Relief Tax Liens Tax Appeal IRS Levy Release |
Lawyer offices are located in Morris County of Northern New Jersey55 Madison Ave. Suite #400 | | Whether you need competent advice or actual help to start a Limited Liability Company (LLC), open a Corporation, buy or sell business, establish a Partnership or a Non-Profit Organization, evaluate your business or business offer, or you find yourself in the middle of an exhausting Federal or State Tax Audit, Personal or Business IRS Tax Negotiation, our NJ tax law firm will use its expansive expertise in the areas of Federal and State Taxation and walk you through the jungle of paperwork and procedural hurdles.With more then 10 years experience in taxation as CPA and business tax attorney, I know how the system works, what the IRS and Department of Treasury can and cannot do. There are rarely harmless inquiries from the IRS. If the IRS or a State Revenue Department contacted you or your business by the phone or through the mail, you may already be a target of an active audit or investigation.Feel free to contact me, experienced New Jersey Tax Attorney, either by EMAIL or PHONE (973) 285-3365 to arrange a consultation. | | NY, DE & NJ Corporate Law Business Structures Business Evaluations Formation of Corporations Dissolution of Corporations Sell Existing Business Open or Close Franchise Due Diligence Representing Foreign Companies |
OPINION POINT: Did the 2012 ATRA Actually Provide an AMT Relief?
So much time passed since the Senate, in the early morning hours of January 1, 2013, by a vote of 89-8, passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (followed by the House later that same day), that to some it feels like ancient history. The Act, which the President quickly signed into law on January 2, prevented many of the tax hikes that were scheduled to go into effect this year and retained many favorable tax breaks that were scheduled to expire. However, it also increased income tax rates for high-income individuals and slightly >>>
A State of Estate Tax in 2010Since the estate tax repeal come in effect on January 1, 2010, lawyer offices have not stopped buzzing with questions and speculations of what to do next. The Congress was expected to amend the laws by end of 2009 to prevent the repeal to ever become law, but this hasn't happened. So, what should clients do? While it is nearly impossible to predict the final outcome of the repeal saga, there seems to be some consensus among the professionals both in lawyer offices and advisory firms for night net worth individuals. First, if gifting of some assets is contemplated, there has not been a better time than during 2010. The current law taxes gifts made this year at 35% rate should the pre-2001 rates return for years 2011and forward.>>> |
Estate planning amidst an uncertain future for transfer taxesNine years ago, a law was enacted to repeal the estate tax for 2010, technically, for individuals dying in 2010, and then bring it back in harsher terms for those dying after 2010. Many had thought that the current Congress would undo the impending repeal and permanently or temporarily keep the tax at 2009 levels ($3.5 million per person exemption and 45% top rate), perhaps with inflation adjustment to the exemption amount. However, with the contentious fight over health care and the continuing recession taking priority, that has not happened. This leaves estate planning in a confused state. And it doesn't necessarily mean that taxes will be lowered for heirs of a decedent dying in 2010. That's because, estate tax repeal... >>> |
Should I convert to Roth IRA in 2010?A lot of people have been asking about the new Roth rollover opportunity. After 2009, American taxpayers are now able to roll over amounts in qualified employer sponsored retirement plan accounts, such as 401 (K) and profit sharing plans, and regular IRAs, into Roth IRAs, regardless of their adjusted gross income (AGI). Prior to 2010, individuals with more that $100,000 of adjusted gross income as specially modified were barred from making such rollovers. What's so attractive about a Roth IRA? Here's a summary: >>> |